Faculty Publications
Crown Scholar Page
Associate Professor. B.A., University of California, Berkeley; M.S.W., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University School of Social Work. Fields of Special Interest: HIV and STI prevention among sexual minority and heterosexual youth; primary and secondary adolescent pregnancy prevention; family-based interventions; parental influences on adolescent health; mental health; health disparity research; sexuality and reproductive health; evidence-based practice.
Selected publications:
Keene, L. C., Heath, R. D., & Bouris, A. (2022). Disclosure of sexual identities across social-relational contexts: Findings from a national sample of Black sexual minority men. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 9, 201–214.
- Pyra, M., Motley, D., & Bouris, A. (2022). Moving towards equity: Fostering transdisciplinary research between the social behavioral sciences and implementation science to end the HIV epidemic. Current Opinions in HIV and AIDS Research, 17(2), 89-99.
Stump, T.K., Ethier, K., Hirschhorn, L.R., Dakin, A., Bouacha, N., Freeman, A., Bannon, J., Gòmez, W., Moskowitz, J.T., & Bouris, A. (2022). Development of an implementation facilitation strategy to link mental health screening and eHealth intervention for clients in Ryan White-Funded clinics in Chicago. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 90(S1),S197-S205.
- Alon, L., Bruce, D., Blocker, O., Bouris, A., Reirden, D. H., Schneider, J. A. (2021). Perceptions of quality and safety in cannabis acquisition among young gay and bisexual men living with HIV/AIDS who use cannabis: Impact of legalisation and dispensaries. International Journal of Drug Policy, 88, 103035.
- Brodyn, A., Lee, S-Y., Futrell, E., Bennett, I., Bouris, A., Jagoda, P., & Gilliam, M. (2021). Body mapping and story circles in sexual health research with youth of color: Methodological insights and study findings from Adolescent X, an art-based project. Health Promotion Practice.
- Keene, L. C., Heath, R. D., & Bouris, A. (2021). Disclosure of sexual identities across social-relational contexts: Findings from a national sample of Black sexual minority men. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40615-020-00944-y
- Pho, M., Erzouki, F., Boodram, B., Jimenez, A. D., Pineros, J., Shuman, V., Claypool, E. J., Bouris, A., Gastala, N., Reichert, J., Kelly, M., Salisbury-Afshar, E., Epperson, M., Gibbons, R., Schneider, J. A., Pollack, H. A. (2021). Reducing Opioid Mortality in Illinois (ROMI): A case management/peer recovery coaching critical time intervention clinical trial protocol. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 108348.
- Schneider, J. A., Young, L., Ramachandran, A., Michaels, S., Cohen, H., Robinson, I., *Alon, L., Hill, B. J., Nakasone, S., Balenciaga, M., Motley, D. A., Bouris, A., Khanna, A., Ferreira, M., Valente, T., Schumm, P., for the PrEP Chicago Network Intervention Team. (2021). A pragmatic randomized controlled trial to increase pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake for HIV prevention: 55-week results from PrEPChicago. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 86(1), 31-37.
- Teixeira da Silva, D. T., Bouris, A., Ramachandran, A., Blocker, O., Davis, B., Harris, J., Pyra, M., Rusie, L., Brewer, R., Pagkas-Bather, J., Hotton, A., Ridgway, J., McNulty, M., Bhatia, R., & Schneider, J. A. (2021). Embedding a linkage to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) care intervention in social network strategy and partner notification services: Results from a pilot randomized controlled trial. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 86(2), 191-199.
- Wade, R. M., Bouris, A., Neilands, T., & Harper, G. W. (2021). Racialized sexual discrimination (RSD) and psychological wellbeing among young sexual minority Black men (YSMBM) who seek intimate partners online. Sexuality Research & Social Policy.
- Bruce, D., Bouris, A., Bowers, S., Blocker, O., Lee, Y.L., Glidden, M.F., Schneider, J.A. & Reirden, D.H. (2020). Medical, therapeutic, and recreational use of cannabis among young men who have sex with men living with HIV. Addiction Research & Theory, 28(3), 250-259.
- Hereth, J., & Bouris, A. (2020). Queering smart decarceration: Centering the experiences of LGBTQ+ young people to imagine a world without prisons. [Special Issue. Y. Park, B. Suslovic, E. Beck, P. Obrien, & M. Kim (Eds.)]. Affilia: Anti-Carceral Feminisms: Imagining a world without prisons, 35(3) 358-375. 2020 Affilia Award for Distinguished Feminist Scholarship and Praxis in Social Work.
- Hirschhorn, L. R., Brown, R., Friedman, E. E., Greene, G. J., Bender, A., Christeller, C., Bouris, A., Johnson, A. K., Pickett, J., Modali, L., & Ridgway, J. P. (2020). Black women’s PrEP knowledge, attitudes, preferences and experience in Chicago. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 84(5), 497-507.
- Keene, L. C., Dehlin, J. M., Picket, J., *Berringer, K. R., Little, I., Tsang, A., Bouris, A., & Schneider, J. A. (2020). #PrEP4Love: Success and stigma following release of the first sex-positive PrEP public health campaign. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 23(3), 397-314.
- Teixeira da Silva, D., Bouris, A., Voisin, D., Hotton, A., Brewer, R., & Schneider J. A. (2020). Social networks moderate the syndemic effect of psychosocial and structural factors on HIV risk among young Black transgender women and men who have sex with men. AIDS and Behavior, 24(1), 192-205.
Crown Scholar Page
Associate Professor with a joint appointment in the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice and the Department of Anthropology in the Division of Social Sciences. B.S., M.A., M.S.W., Ph.D., Michigan. Fields of Special Interest: the anthropology of social work; therapeutic language and metalanguage; cultural and social theory; drug use and treatment; ethnographic methods; gender and sexuality; personhood; semiotics and sociolinguistics.
Selected publications:
- Carr, E. Summerson. 2021. Learning How Not to Know: Pragmatism, (In)expertise, and the Training of American Helping Professionals. American Anthropologist 00(0): 1-13.
- Carr, E. Summerson. 2019. The Work of 'Crisis' in the 'Opioid Crisis.' Journal of Extreme Anthropology 3(2): 161-166.
Crown Scholar Page
McCormick Foundation Professor. B.S., Northwestern; A.M., Ph.D., Chicago. Fields of Special Interest: community organizing and development; community social organization; comprehensive community initiatives; youth development; associations and nonprofits; philanthropy and social change; research application and evaluation; crossnational research.
Selected publications:
- Chaskin, Robert J., Bernadine Brady, and Caroline McGregor. 2021. "Liminal Citizenship: Young People's Perspectives on Civic and Political Engagement in Three European Cities." Social Service Review 95(2): 247-277.
- Brady, Bernadine, Chaskin, Robert J., and McGregor, Caroline. 2020. “Promoting Civic and Political Engagement among Marginalized Urban Youth in Three Cities: Strategies and Challenges.” Children and Youth Services Review 116: 105184.
- McGregor, Caroline, Bernadine, Brady, and Chaskin, Robert J. 2020. “The potential for civic and political engagement practice in social work as a means of achieving greater rights and justice for marginalised youth.” European Journal of Social Work. DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2020.1793109
- Chaskin, Robert J., Bong Joo Lee and Surinder Jaswal (eds.) 2019. Social Exclusion in Cross-National Perspective: Actors, Actions, and Impacts from Above and Below. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Chaskin, Robert J. 2019. “Housing Policy is a Necessary but Insufficient Response to Concentrated Poverty.” In Ingrid Gould Ellen and Justin Peter Steil (eds.), The Dream Revisited: Contemporary Debates about Housing, Segregation, and Opportunity. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
- Chaskin, Robert J., Joan Yoo, Surinder Jaswal, and Shengli Cheng. 2019. “Social exclusion in cross-national perspective: Setting the stage.” In Robert J. Chaskin, Bong Joo Lee, and Surinder Jaswal (eds.), Social Exclusion in Cross National Perspective: Actors, Actions, and Impacts from Above and Below. New York and London: Oxford University Press.
- Chaskin, Robert J., Mouleshri Vyas, and Jung-Hwa Ha. 2019. “Globalization and social exclusion: Concepts and processes.” In Robert J. Chaskin, Bong Joo Lee, and Surinder Jaswal (eds.), Social Exclusion in Cross National Perspective: Actors, Actions, and Impacts from Above and Below. New York and London: Oxford University Press.
- Chaskin, Robert J., Shengli Cheng, Bong Joo Lee, and Mouleshri Vyas. 2019. “Urban restructuring, housing policy, and social exclusion.” In Robert J. Chaskin, Bong Joo Lee, and Surinder Jaswal (eds.), Social Exclusion in Cross National Perspective: Actors, Actions, and Impacts from Above and Below.New York and London: Oxford University Press.
- Chaskin, Robert J., Surinder Jaswal, and Bong Joo Lee. 2019. “Social Exclusion in a globalized world: Implications for research, policy, and practice.” In Robert J. Chaskin, Bong Joo Lee, and Surinder Jaswal (eds.), Social Exclusion in Cross National Perspective: Actors, Actions, and Impacts from Above and Below.New York and London: Oxford University Press.
- Vyas, Mouleshri, Mosley, Jennifer, Grogan, Colleen, Long, Yan, Kim, Hyoung Young, and Chaskin, Robert J. 2019. “Social Exclusion in Cross-National Perspective: Setting the Stage.” In Robert J. Chaskin, Bong Joo Lee, and Surinder Jaswal (eds.), Social Exclusion in Cross National Perspective: Actors, Actions, and Impacts from Above and Below. New York and London: Oxford University Press.
Crown Scholar Page
Professor. B.A., Ewha University (Korea); M.S.S.W., Texas-Austin; Ph.D., Washington-Seattle. Fields of Special Interest: minority youth development; effects of race, ethnicity, and culture in youth development; children of immigrants; Asian American youth; prevention of youth problem behaviors; quantitative research methods.
Selected publications:
- Choi, Y., Jeong, E., & Park, M. (2022). Asian Americans’ parent-child conflict and racial discrimination may explain mental distress. Policy Insights from Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 9(1), 18-26.
- Shen, Y., Lee, H. Choi, Y., Hu Y., & Kim, K. (2022). Ethnic-racial socialization, ethnic-racial identity, and depressive symptoms in Korean adolescents in the United States and China. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51, 377-392.
- Yasui, M., Choi, Y., Samuels, G., Chin, M. Kim, K. & Victorson, D. (2022). Parental socialization of mental health in Chinese American families: What parents say and do and how youth make meaning. Family Process, 00, 1-17.
- Choi, Y., Kim, T.Y., Lee, J.P., Tan, K., Noh, S. & Takeuchi, D. (2021). Upholding familism among Asian American youth: Psychometric properties of familism measures among Filipino and Korean American youth. Adolescent Research Review. Available online. (NIHMSID #1668243)
- Park, M., Choi, Y., Yasui, M, & Hedeker, D. (2021). Racial discrimination, mental health, and the moderating effects of racial and ethnic socialization among Asian American youth. Child Development.
- Park, M., Choi, Y., Yoo, H. C., Yasui, M. & Takeuchi, D. (2021). Racial stereotypes and Asian American Youth Paradox. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 50, 2374-2393.
- Yasui, M., Choi, Y., Chin, M., Samuels, G.M., Kim, K., & Victorson, D. (2021). Culturally attuned engagement: A qualitative analysis of social service providers in community based organizations serving Chinese, Vietnamese, and Cambodian immigrant populations. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work. https://doi.org/10.1080/15313204.2021.1913777
- Yasui, M., Choi, Y., Samuels, G., Chin, M. Kim, K. & Victorson, D. (2021). Parental socialization of mental health in Chinese American families: What parents say and do and how youth make meaning. Family Process.
- Yoon, E., Choi, Y., Kim, D., & Adams, P. (2021). Acculturation/enculturation and internalized model minority myth in Korean immigrant families. Asian American Journal of Psychology.
- Yoon, E., Choi, Y., Suh, J.E. & Galvin, S. (2021) Examination of Korean immigrant mothers’ parenting practices: By using the framework of bilinear acculturation. Asian American Journal of Psychology. 12(1), 52-64. (NIHMSID #1680680)
- Choi, J., Ryou, B., Kim, K., Choi, Y. & Hahm, H.C. (2020). 청소년 자살위험의 유형화와 심리사회적 특성연구 (Latent subtypes and psychosocial characteristics of suicidality among South Korean youth). 사회복지연구 (Journal of Korean Social Welfare Studies). 51(2).
- Choi, Y., Lee, M., Lee, J.P., Park, M., Lee, S., Hahm, H.C. (2020). Disempowering parenting and mental health among Asian American youth: Immigration and ethnicity. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 66 (January). (NIHMSID #1546454)
- Choi, Y., Park, M., Lee, J.P. & Lee, M. (2020). Explaining the Asian American youth paradox: Universal factors vs. Asian American family process among Filipino and Korean American youth. Family Process. 59(4), 1818-1836.
- Choi, Y., Park, M., Lee, J.P., Noh, S. & Takeuchi, D. (2020). Asian American mental health: Longitudinal trend and explanatory factors among Filipino- and Korean Americans. Social Science & Medicine: Population Health 10(100542). (PMC6994703) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352827319302769
- Woo, B., Maglalang, D.D., Ko, S., Park, M., Choi, Y., & Takeuchi, D. (2020). Racial discrimination, ethnic-racial socialization, and bicultural identities among Asian American youths. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. (NIHMSID #1564948).
Crown Scholar Page
Samuel Deutsch Professor. B.A., University of California, Berkeley; M.A., John F. Kennedy University; M.S.W., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley. Fields of Special Interest: welfare reform; child welfare services such as child protection, foster care, group care, and adoption; professionalization of social work.
Selected publications:
- Park, S., Okpych, N.J., Harty, J.S., & Courtney, M.E. (2022). County-level factors matter: The role of contextual factors in foster youths' extended foster care participation and human capital outcomes. Child Maltreatment, 0(0):1-13.
- Park, S., Powers, J., Okpych, N.J., & Courtney, M.E. (2021). Co-production of care leavers' transition planning as young adults: An analysis of young people in California foster care. The British Journal of Social Work.
- Arnau-Sabatés, L., Dworsky, A., Sala-Roca, J., & Courtney, M. E. (2021). Supporting youth transitioning from state care into adulthood in Illinois and Catalonia: Lessons from a cross-national comparison. Children and Youth Services Review, 120: 105755.
- Park, S., Okpych, N. J., & Courtney, M. E. (2020). Predictors of remaining in foster care after age 18 years old. Child Abuse & Neglect, 108(11): 104629.
- Park, S., Powers, J., Okpych, N. J., & Courtney, M. E. (2020). Predictors of foster youths’ participation in their Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP) development: Calling for collaborative case plan decision-making processes. Children and Youth Services Review, 115(8): 105051.
- Munson, M., Katz, C. C., Okpych, N. J., & Courtney, M. E. (2020). Mental health management among older youth with child welfare experiences: Service utilization and preparedness. Journal of Adolescent Health, 67(2), 225-231.
- Okpych, N. J., Park, S. E., Sayed, A. S., & Courtney, M. E. (2020). The roles of Campus-Support Programs (CSPs) and Education and Training Vouchers (ETVs) on college persistence for youth with foster care histories. Children and Youth Services Review, 111(1): 104891.
- Katz, C.C., Courtney, M.E., & Sapiro, B. (2019). Emancipated foster youth and intimate partner violence: An exploration of risk and protective factors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35:23-24.
- Courtney, M. E., Valentine, E. J., & Skemer, M. (2019). Experimental evaluation of transitional living services for system-involved youth: Implications for policy and practice. Children and Youth Services Review, 96: 396-408.
- Courtney, M. E. (2019). The benefits of extending state care to young adults: Evidence from the United States of America. In Mann-Feder, V. and Goyette, M. (Eds.), Leaving Care and the Transition to Adulthood: International Contributions to Theory, Research, and Practice. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Courtney, M. E., Deng, S., Dave, A., & Lee, B. J. (2019). The transition to adulthood for marginalized youth. In Chaskin, R. J., Lee, B. J., and Jaswal, S. (Eds.), Social Exclusion in Cross-National Perspective: Actors, Actions, and Impacts from Above and Below. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Lee, B. J., Courtney, M. E., Gao, X., & Sakrani, M. (2019). State responses and structures for child protection. In Chaskin, R. J., Lee, B. J., and Jaswal, S. (Eds.), Social Exclusion in Cross-National Perspective: Actors, Actions, and Impacts from Above and Below. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Courtney, M. E. & Okpych, N. J. (2019). Postsecondary educational attainment of young people leaving care in the USA: implications for practice and policy. In McNamara, P., Montserrat, C., Wise, S. (Eds.), Education in Out-of-Home Care: International Perspectives on Policy, Practice and Research. New York: Springer.
- Park, K. Okpych, N. J., & Courtney, M. E. (2019). Psychotropic medication use and perceptions of medication effects among transition-age foster youth. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 88(3):269-281.
- Okpych, N. J. & Courtney, M. E. (2019). The relationship between extended foster care and college outcomes for foster care alumni. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 14(2), 254-276.
- Okpych, N. J. & Courtney, M. E. (2019). Longitudinal analyses of educational outcomes for youth transitioning out of care in the U.S.: Trends and influential factors. Oxford Review of Education, 45(1), 461-480.
- Nabunya, P. Padgett, D., Ssewamala, F. M., Courtney, M. E., & Neilands, T. (2019). Examining the nonkin support networks of orphaned adolescents participating in a family-based economic-strengthening intervention in Uganda. Journal of Community Psychology, 47(3):579-593.
Crown Scholar Page
Associate Instructional Professor. B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago. Fields of Special Interest: institutional structures for refugee resettlement; social policy; social construction of the refugee identity.
Selected publications:
- Darrow, J.H. & Howsam, J. (2020). Chaos and confusion: Impacts of the Trump Administration Executive Orders on the US resettlement system. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership and Governance. https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/2VT4S4XVRBRUIWRUQWR2/full?target=10.1080/23303131.2020.1767745
- Darrow, J.H. (2018). Administrative indentureship and administrative inclusion: Structured limits and potential opportunities for refugee client inclusion in resettlement policy implementation. Social Service Review, 92(1).
- Darrow, J.H. (2018). Working it out in practice: Tensions embedded in the US refugee resettlement program resolved through implementation. In Adèle Garnier, Liliana Lyra Jubilut and Kristin Bergtora Sandvik (eds.) Refugee Resettlement: Power, Politics and Humanitarian Governance. Berghahn Books.
Crown Scholar Page
Associate Professor. B.S., Central Michigan; M.S.W., Grand Valley State; M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia. Fields of Special Interest: intervention research on co-occurring problems of HIV, substance abuse, mental illness, and criminal justice involvement; HIV prevention and epidemiology; substance abuse and mental illness; criminal justice affected populations; use of multimedia tools in intervention development and delivery; dissemination / translational research; criminal justice content in social work education.
Selected publications:
- Hinami, K., Epperson, M.W., Lyons, T., Nowinski-Konchak, J., Cibulskis, A.M., Zhang, H., & Mennella, C. (2022). Does bail reform decarcerate mental illness? Public health challenges for a large county jail system. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 28(4)
- Bocanegra, K., Epperson, M., & Sawh. L. (2022). Exploring community-entry decarceration strategies for people with behavioral health needs. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.
- Sawn, L., Goff, C.N., Epperson, M.W. (2022). Prosecutorial diversion programs. In E. Jeglic, & C. Calkins (Eds.), Handbook of Issues in Criminal Justice Reform in the United States (pp. 621-635). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77565-0_31
- Pho, M., Erzouki, F., Boodram, B., Jimenez, A.D., Pineros, J., Shuman, V., Claypool, E.J., Bouris, A.M., Gastala, N., Reichert, J., Kelly, M., Salisbury-Afshar, E., Epperson, M.W., Gibbons, R.D., Schneider, J.A., & Pollack, H.A. (2021). Reducing opioid mortality in Illinois (ROMI): A case management/peer recovery coaching critical time intervention clinical trial protocol. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 128.
- Epperson, M.W., McHarris, M., Ulrich, B, & Sawh, L. (2021). The box in social work education: Prevalence and correlates of criminal history questions on MSW applications. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.
- Epperson, M.W., Wilson, A.B., Fedock, G. (2021). The promise of research to advance smart decarceration. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(1), 3-9.
- Epperson, M.W., Sawh, L., *Sarantakos, S.P. (2020). Building a therapeutic relationship between probation officers and probationers with serious mental illnesses. CNS Spectrums. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1092852919001871
- Gibbons, R.D., Smith, J.D., Brown, C.H., Sajdak, M., Jones Tapia, N., Kulik, A., Epperson, M.W., & Csernansky, J. (2019). Improving the evaluation of adult mental disorders in the criminal justice system with computerized adaptive testing. Psychiatric Services.
- Epperson, M.W., Pettus-Davis, C., Grier, A., & Sawh, L. (2018). Promote smart decarceration. In R. Fong, R. Barth, & J. Lubben (Eds.), The Grand Challenges for Social Work and Society: Social Progress Powered by Science. Oxford University Press.
Crown Scholar Page
Associate Professor. Ed.D., Ed.M., Harvard. Fields of Special Interest: racism; social inequality; urban public schools.
Selected publications:
- Friedus, A. & Ewing, E.L. (2022). Good schools, bad schools: Race, school quality, and neoliberal educational policy. Educational Policy, 36(4), 763-768. https://doi.org/10.1177/08959048221087208
- Ewing, E.L. & Green, T.L. “Beyond the Headlines: Trends and Future Directions in the School Closure Literature.” Educational Researcher (2021). Ewing, E.L., *Davis, B., and *Guz, S. “‘I Hope I Make It’: Alternative School Students’ Attendance and a Vision for an Expanded Accountability.” Urban Education (2021).
- Ewing, E.L. (2018). Ghosts in the Schoolyard: Racism and School Closings on Chicago's South Side. University of Chicago Press.
- Ewing, E.L. (2018). Chocolate Cities: The Black Map of American Life [book review]. Social Service Review: September 2018, Vol. 92, No. 3, pp. 470-474.
- Ewing, E.L. (2018). The Quality of the Light: Evidence, Truths, and the Odd Practice of the Poet-Sociologist. In O. Perlow, Wheeler, D.I., S.L., Scott, B.M. (Eds.), Black Women's Liberatory Pedagogies: Resistance, Transformation, and Healing Within and Beyond the Academy. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Ewing, E.L. (2018). Vacancies to Fill. In D. Watson, J. Hagopian, W. Au (Eds.), Teaching for Black Lives. Rethinking Schools.
Crown Scholar Page
Assistant Professor. Ph.D., Michigan State University School of Social Work. Fields of Special Interest: improving vulnerable women’s health and mental health, with a focus on pregnant and postpartum women, as well as women who are incarcerated; criminal justice policy; prevention; violence and trauma.
Selected publications:
- Darcy, K., Fedock, G., & Kubiak, S.P. (2022). "Terrified of a system I didn't understand": Reporting staff sexual misconduct against women on parole. Feminist Criminology, 17(2), 252-273.
- Fedock, G. & Covington, S.S. (2022). Strengths-based approaches to the treatment of incarcerated women and girls. In C.M. Langton and J.R. Worling (Eds.). Facilitating Desistance from Aggression and Crime: Theory, Research, and Strength-Based Practices (378-396). John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Fedock, G., Garthe, R., Higgins, G.E., Lewis, C., & Wilson, A.B. (2021). Health care disparities for incarcerated adults after a suicide attempt. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 51(5), 931-939.
- Fedock, G., Darcy, K.M., & Kubiak, S. (2021). "He acted as if he owned me": An explanatory case study analysis of correctional staff sexual misconduct against women on parole. Violence Against Women, 27(11), 2000-2020.
- Fedock, G., Cummings, C., Kubiak, S., Bybee, D., Campbell, R. & Darcy, K. (2021). Incarcerated women's experiences of staff-perpetuated rape: Racial disparities and justice gaps in institutional responses. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(17-18), 8668-8692.
- Epperson, M.W., Wilson, A.B., Fedock, G. (2020). The promise of research to advance smart decarceration. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(1), 3-9.
- Fedock, G., Kubiak, S.P., & Bybee, D. (2017). Testing a new intervention with incarcerated women serving life sentences. Research on Social Work Practice. doi:10.1177/1049731517700272
- Fedock, G. (2017). Life before “I killed the man that raped me”: Pre-prison life experiences of incarcerated women with life sentences and subsequent treatment needs. Women & Criminal Justice. doi:10.1080/08974454.2017.1294131
- Kubiak, S.P., Brenner, H.J., Bybee, D., Campbell, R., Cummings, C.E., Darcy, K.M., Fedock, G., & Goodman-Williams, R. (2017). Sexual misconduct in prison: What factors affect whether incarcerated women will report abuses committed by prison staff? Law and Human Behavior. doi:10.1037/lhb0000239
- Fedock, G. & Sarantakos, S. (2017). Physical and mental health disparities for young women with a history of arrest. Health & Social Work, 42(2),e102-e110.
- Fedock, G. (2017). Women’s psychological adjustment to prison: A review for future social work directions. Social Work Research, 41(1), 31-42.
- Kubiak, S. P., Brenner, H. J., Bybee, D., Canpbell, R., Cummings, C., Darcy, K. M., & Fedock, G. (2016). Do sexually victimized prisoners perceive justice in litigation process and outcomes? Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 23(1), 39-52.
Crown Scholar Page
Assistant Professor. Ph.D., University of California, San Diego. Fields of Special Interest: immigration, law, and society; inequality, race and ethnicity; public policy; mixed and comparative methodology.
Selected publications:
- García, Angela S. 2021. "Violence Here and Violence There: How Compound Violence Drives Undocumented Mexicans' Migration to and Settlement in the United States." Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies. 20(2): 266-278.
- García, Angela S. 2021. “Undocumented, not Unengaged: Local Immigration Laws and the Shaping of Undocumented Mexicans’ Political Engagement.” Social Forces. 99(4): 1658-1681.
- García, Angela S. 2019. Legal Passing: Navigating Undocumented Life and Local Immigration Law. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
- Wong, Tom, García, Angela S., and Carolina Valdivia. 2018. “The Political Incorporation of Undocumented Youth.” Social Problems. https://doi.org/10.1093/socpro/spy009.
- FitzGerald, David S., Cook-Martín David, García, Angela S., and Rawan Arar. 2018. “Can You Become One of Us? Legal Selection of ‘Assimilable’ Immigrants.” Journal of Ethnic Migration Studies. 44(1): 27-47.
Crown Family School
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor. B.A., Michigan State; M.S.W, M.S., Ph.D., University of Michigan. Fields of Special Interest: suicidal behaviors and depression; measurement and psychometrics; Black American mental health, flourishing, and well-being; positive psychological protective factors
Selected publications:
- Goodwill, J.R. (2022).Which coping strategies moderate the depression – suicide ideation link in Black college students? A psychometric investigation. Children and Youth Services Review, 138. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2022.106448
- Goodwill, J. R., Mattis, J. S., & Watkins, D. C. (2022). “I didn't know who to talk to”: Black college men’s sources and descriptions of social support. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 23(2), 197–208. https://doi.org/10.1037/men0000372
- Palmer, G.J.M., Cole-Lewis, Y.C., Goodwill, J.R., & Mattis, J.S. (2021). No crystal stair: Predictors of pessimism among Black men. Journal of Men's Studies, 29(2), 235-254.
- Goodwill, J.R. (2021). Black youth's experiences with feelings of worthlessness, parent relationships, and suicide: Findings from a national probability survey. Journal of Adolescent Health, 69(2), 294-301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.12.141
- Goodwill, J.R. (2021). Testing for measurement invariance across gender in the 12-item CES-D: An investigation among a nationally representative sample of African Americans. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 27(3), 369-375. https://doi.org/10.1037/cdp0000409
- Watkins, D., Goodwill, J.R., Johnson, N.C., Casanova, A., Wei, T., Allen, J.O., Williams, E-D. G., Anyiwo, N., Jackson, Z.A., Talley, L.M., & Abelson, J.M. (2020). An online behavioral health intervention promoting mental health, manhood, and social support for young black men: The YBMen project. American Journal of Men's Health, 14(4).
- Goodwill, J.R., Johnson, N.C., & Watkins, D.C. (2020). Adherence to masculine norms and depressive symptoms in young Black men. Social Work, 65(3), 235-244. https://doi.org/10.1093/sw/swaa029
- Goodwill, J.R., & Zhou, S. (2020). Association between perceived public stigma and suicidal behaviors among college students of color in the U.S. Journal of Affective Disorders. 262, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2019.10.019
- Goodwill, J.R., Taylor, R.J., & Watkins, D.C. (2019). Everyday discrimination, depressive symptoms, and suicide ideation among African American men. Archives of Suicide Research. 0, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/13811118.2019.1660287
- Goodwill, J.R., Anyiwo, N., Williams, E.D.G., Johnson, N.C., Mattis, J.S., & Watkins, D.C. (2019). Media representations of popular culture figures and the construction of Black masculinities. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 20(3), 288-298. https://doi.org/10.1037/men0000164
Crown Scholar Page
Assistant Professor. B.A., Syracuse University; M.S., Columbia University; Ph.D., Princeton University. Fields of Special Interest: criminal justice policy; criminal legal change; criminal legal policy; decarceration; social welfare policy; social work; sociology
Selected publications:
- Charles, P., Muentner, L., Gottlieb, A., & Eddy, M. J. (In Press). Parent-Child Contact during Incarceration: Predictors of Involvement among Resident and Non-Resident Parents Following Release from Prison. Social Service Review.
- Gottlieb, A. (2022). The Unwarranted Disparity Statement: A New Tool to Reduce Disparities in Post-Arrest Case Outcomes. UCLA Criminal Justice Law Review, 108-134.
- Gottlieb, A., & Mahabir, M. (2022). Women and Incarceration: Introducing a Gendered Lens into Smart Decarceration. Social Work, 67, 155-164.
- Gottlieb, A. (2021). Making Gideon Count? Public Defender Resources and Felony Case Outcomes for Black, White, and Latinx Individuals. Race and Justice. https://doi.org/10.1177/21533687211006456
- Gottlieb, A. & Mahabir, M. (2021). The Effect of Multiple Types of Intimate Partner Violence on Maternal Criminal Justice Involvement. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36, 6797–6820 https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260518820705
- Gottlieb, A. & Flynn, K. (2021). The Legacy of Slavery and Mass Incarceration: Evidence from Felony Case Outcomes Today. Social Service Review, 95, 3-35. (Lead Article).
- Gottlieb, A., & Arnold, K. (2021). The Effect of Public Defender and Support Staff Caseloads on the Incarceration of Felony Defendants. Journal of Society for Social Work and Research, 12, 569-589.
- Gottlieb, A., Charles, P., McLeod, B. A., Kjellstrand, J., & Bonsu, J. (2021). Were California’s Decarceration Efforts Smart? A Quasi-Experimental Examination of Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(1), 116-134.
- Jacobs, L., & Gottlieb, A. (2020). The Effect of Housing Circumstances on Recidivism: Evidence From a Sample of People on Probation in San Francisco. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47, 1097-115.
- Farrell, C., & Gottlieb, A. (2020). The Effect of Health Insurance on Healthcare Utilization in the Justice- Involved Population, 2014-2016. American Journal of Public Health, 110, S78-S84.
- Gottlieb, A., McLeod, B. A, & Barutell, K. (2020). The Impact of Health Insurance on Problematic Substance Use among Justice-Involved Individuals. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 59, 81-97.
- Gottlieb, A. & Wilson, R (2019). The Effect of Direct and Vicarious Police Contact on the Educational Achievement of Urban Teens. Children and Youth Services Review, 103, 190-199.
- Gottlieb, A., & Sugie, N. F. (2019). Marriage, Cohabitation, and Crime: Differentiating Associations by Partnership Stage. Justice Quarterly, 36, 503-531.
Crown Scholar Page
Dean and Emily Klein Gidwitz Professor. Ph.D., University of Illinois-Chicago. Fields of Special Interest: children and adolescents; prevention; violence and trauma.
Selected publications:
- Irsheid, S.B., Garthe, R.C., Gorman-Smith, D., & Schoeny, M. (2021). The implications of executive functioning on community adversity and violence and mental health outcomes. Youth & Society.
- Kingston, B.E., Zimmerman, M.A., Wendel, M.L., Gorman-Smith, D., Wright-Kelly, E., Arrendondo Mattson, S., Trudeau, A.T. (2021). Developing and implementing community-level strategies for preventing youth violence in the United States. American Journal of Public Health, 111, S20-S24.
- Nation, M., Chapman, D.A., Edmonds, T., Cosey-Gay, F.N., Jackson, T., Marshall, K.J., Gorman-Smith, D., Sullivan, T., & Trudeau, A.T. (2021). Social and structural determinants of health and youth violence: Shifting the paradigm of youth violence prevention. American Journal of Public Health, 111, S28-S31.
- Gorman-Smith, D., Bechhoefer, D., Gosey-Gay, F.N., Kingston, B.E., Nation, M.A., Vagi, K.J., Villamar, J.A., & Zimmerman, M.A. (2021). A model for effective community-academic partnerships for youth violence prevention. American Journal of Public Health, 111, S25-S27. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2021.306280
- Gorman-Smith, D., Cosey-Gay, F., Pearson, E., Schoeny M., Garthe, R., & Francis, M. (2020). Implementing the Communities that Care (CTC) prevention system in a high-risk urban community. Virtual presentation at: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting.
- Tolan, P., Schoeny, M., Gorman-Smith, D., & Henry, D. (2020). Family support and connection groups: Long-term benefits for inner-city children?. Prevention Science, 21, 109–119.
- Prince, D.M, Eptstein, M., Nurius, P.S., Gorman-Smith, D. & Henry, D.B. (2019). Reciprocal effects of positive future expectations to safety, and risk behavior across adolescence. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 48, 54-67.
Crown Scholar Page
Deborah R. and Edgar D. Jannotta Professor. B.A., Wisconsin; Ph.D., Minnesota. Fields of Special Interest: American government and public policy; health policy and health politics; the American welfare state; comparative state-level policy and politics.
Selected publications:
- Erwin, P.C., Fox, D.M., Grogan, C., & Moravia, A. 2021. "Lessons from the Pandemic: What is Wrong and What is Fixable in US Health Policy and Practice?" American Journal of Public Health, 111(4): 540-541.
- Grogan, C. M., Lin, Y-A., & Gusmano, M.K. 2021. “Unsanitized and Unfair: How COVID-19 Bailout Funds Refuel Inequity in the US Health Care System.” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 46(5), 785-809. https://doi.org/10.1215/03616878-9155977
- Kofler, N & Grogan, C.M. 2021. “Giving Voice to the Voiceless in Environmental Gene Editing.” Gene Editing in the Wild: Shaping Decisions through Broad Public Deliberation, 51(S2), S66-S73. https://doi.org/10.1002/hast.1322
- Grogan, C. M. Lin, Y-A., & Gusmano, M.K. 2021. “Health Equity and the Allocation of COVID-19 Provider Relief Funds.” American Journal of Public Health. https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJPH.2020.306127
- Park, S., Grogan, C.M., Mosley, J.E., Humphreys, K., Pollack, H.A., Friedmann, P.D. 2020. "Correlates of Patient-Centered Care Practices at U.S. Substance Use Disorder Clinics." Psychiatric Services, 71(1):35-42.
- Park, S., Mosley, J. E., Grogan, C. M., Pollack, H. A., Humphreys, K., D’Aunno, T., Friedmann, P. D. 2020. “Patient-centered Care’s Relationship with Substance Use Disorder Treatment Utilization.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 118(Nov):1-6. https://www.journalofsubstanceabusetreatment.com/article/S0740-5472(20)30381-0/fulltext
- Grogan, C.M. 2020. “Medicaid’s Post-ACA Paradoxes.” Journal of Health Politics Policy & Law, 45(4): 617-632. Special Issue: “ACA at 10.”
- Smith, B.T., Grogan, C.M., Andrews, C.M., Abraham, A.J., Westlake, M.A., & Harris, S.J. “Medicaid for People with Substance Use Disorder” Ch. 11 in Current Issues in Medicaid: Enrollment, Eligibility, and Politics, ed. Daniel Lanford. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
- Grogan, C.M., Bersamira, C.S., Singer, P.M., Smith, B.T., Pollack, H.A., Andrews, C.M., & Abraham, A.J. 2020. Are Policy Strategies to Address the Opioid Epidemic Partisan? A View from the States. Journal of Health Politics Policy & Law, 45.2, Special Issue: “The Politics of the Opioid Epidemic.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31808787
- Abraham, A.J., Smith, B.T., Andrews, C.M, Bersamira, C.S., Grogan, C.M., Pollack, H.A., & Friedmann, P.D. 2019. Changes in Technical Assistance Priorities and Block Grant Funds After ACA Implementation. American Journal of Public Health, (PAP, April 18, 2019). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30998407
- Andrews, C.M., Pollack, K. A.J. Abraham, Grogan, C.M., Bersamira, C.S., D’Aunno, T. and P.D. Friedmann. 2019. “Medicaid Coverage in Substance Use Disorder Treatment after the Affordable Care Act.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 102(July): 1-7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31202283
- Andrews, CM, Abraham, AJ and Grogan, CM., M.A. Westlake, H.A. Pollack and P.D. Friedmann. 2019. “Impact of Medicaid Restrictions on Availability of Buprenorphine In Addiction Treatment Programs.” American Journal of Public Health, 109(3): 434-436. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30676789
- Grogan, C.M., Jaswal, S., Xiang, G., & Yoo, J. 2019. “Chapter 3. Social Exclusion as a Policy Idea: Dissemination, Adaptation, and Application.” In: Chaskin, Robert J., Bong Joo Lee and Surinder Jaswal (eds.) Social Exclusion in Cross National Perspective: Actors, Actions, and Impacts from Above and Below. New York: Oxford University Press. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/social-exclusion-in-cross-national-perspective-9780190873776?cc=us&lang=en&
- Grogan, C.M., Jaswal, S., & Park, J.M. 2019. “Chapter 10: Health Policy and Social Exclusion.” In: Chaskin, Robert J., Bong Joo Lee and Surinder Jaswal (eds.) Social Exclusion in Cross National Perspective: Actors, Actions, and Impacts from Above and Below. New York: Oxford University Press. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/social-exclusion-in-cross-national-perspective-9780190873776?cc=us&lang=en&
- Mouleshri, V., Mosley, J., Grogan, C.M., Loing, Y., Kim, H.Y., & Chaskin, R.J. 2019. “Chapter 9: Democratic Engagement and Mobilization: The Role of Grassroots Movements.” In: Chaskin, Robert J., Bong Joo Lee and Surinder Jaswal (eds.) Social Exclusion in Cross National Perspective: Actors, Actions, and Impacts from Above and Below. New York: Oxford University Press. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/social-exclusion-in-cross-national-perspective-9780190873776?cc=us&lang=en&
Crown Scholar Page
Frank P. Hixon Distinguished Service Professor. B.S., Cornell; Ph.D., Harvard. Fields of Special Interest: developmental psychopathology; parent–child relationships throughout the life course; impact of parental psychopathology and substance abuse on children; women and violence; adolescent parenting; roles of fathers in families; supportive interventions for infants, young children, and families; prevention; home visiting.
Selected publications:
- Hans, Sydney L., Suzanne M. Cox, Nora Y. Medina. 2022. "African American adolescent mothers' childbirth support from fathers, grandmothers, nurses, doctors, and doulas." The Journal of Perinatal Education 31(1):21-28.
- Medina, Nora Y., Renee C. Edwards, Yudong Zhang, and Sydney L. Hans. 2022. "A longitudinal investigation of young mothers' prenatal attachment, depressive symptoms, and early parenting behavior." Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 40(2): 196-211.
- Cox, Suzanne M., Cynthia O. Lashley, Linda G. Henson, Nora Y. Medina, and Sydney L. Hans. 2021. "Making meaning of motherhood: Self and life transitions among African American adolescent mothers. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 91(1): 120-131.
- Edwards, Renee C., Anna L. Herriott, Brent Finger, and Sydney L. Hans. 2021. "Associations between parenting representations and behavior among young mothers and mothers with opioid use disorder. Infant Mental Health Journal 42(6): 796-811.
- Edwards, Renee C., Yadira Vieyra, and Sydney L. Hans. 2020. "Maternal support for infant learning: Findings from a randomized controlled trial of doula home visiting services for young mothers." Early Childhood Research Quarterly 51(2): 26-38.
- Gilkerson, Linda, Tiffany Burkhardt, Leslie E. Katch, and Sydney L. Hans. 2020. "Increasing parenting self-efficacy: The Fussy Baby Network® intervention." Infant Mental Health Journal 41(2): 232-245.
- Lee, Helen Y., Renee C. Edwards, and Sydney L. Hans. 2020. "Young first-time mothers' parenting of infants: The role of depression and social support." Maternal and Child Health Journal 24: 575-586.
- Yazejian, Noreen, Donna M. Bryant, Laura J. Kuhn, Margaret Burchinal, Diane Horm, Sydney Hans, Nancy File, and Barbara Jackson. 2020. "The Educare intervention: Outcomes at age 3." Early Childhood Research Quarterly 53(4):425-440.
- Hans, Sydney L., and Barbara A. White. 2019. "Teenage childbearing, reproductive justice, and infant mental health." Infant Mental Health Journal 40, 690-709.
- Zhang, Yudong, Renee C. Edwards, and Sydney L. Hans. 2019. "Parent profiles of young low-income African American and Latina mothers and infant socioemotional development." Science and Practice 20(1): 28-52.
Crown Scholar Page
Professor. B.A., Wisconsin; M.S.W., Ph.D., Michigan. Fields of Special Interest: family poverty; child care and welfare policy; work-family strategies of low wage workers; work and family policy; informal support networks; employment discrimination.
Selected publications:
- Henly, Julia R., Lambert, Susan J., & Dresser, Laura J. (2021). The new realities of working-class jobs since the Great Recession: Employer practices, worker protections, and employee voice to improve job quality. In edited volume: What has happened to the American Working Class since the Great Recession? (2009-2019). ANNALS of The American Academy of Political and Social Science, 695(1): 208-224.
- Kim, J. & Henly, J.R. (2021). Dynamics of child care subsidy use and material hardship. Children and Youth Services Review, 124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2021.105979
- Adams, G. & Henly, J.R. (2020). Child Care Subsidies: Supporting Work and Child Development for Health Families. Health Affairs Health Policy Brief. DOI: 10.1377/hpb20200327.116465
- Henly, J.R. (2020). Centrality of employment policies for individual and community health. American Journal of Public Health, 110(4): 433-435.
- Hong, Y.S. & Henly, J.R. (2020). Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and School Readiness Skills. Children and Youth Services Review, 114, early access available online https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105034
- Kim, J.S., Henly, J.R., Golden, L., & Lambert, S. (2019). Workplace Flexibility and Worker Wellbeing by Gender. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(3): 892-910. DOI:10.1111jomf.12633.
- Lambert, S.J., Henly, J.R., & Kim, J. (2019). Precarious work schedules as a source of economic insecurity and institutional distrust. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 5(4): 218-57.
- Lambert, S.J., Henly, J.R., Schoeny, M., & Jarpe, M. (2019). Increasing Schedule Predictability in Hourly Jobs: Results from a Randomized Experiment in a US Retail Firm. Work and Occupations, 46(2):176-226.
- McCrate, E., Lambert, S.J., & Henly, J.R. (2019). Competing for hours: Unstable work schedules and underemployment among hourly workers in Canada. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 43(5): 1287–1314.
- Barnes, C. & Henly, J.R. (2018). They are underpaid and understaffed”: How clients interpret encounters with street-level bureaucrats. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 28(2): 165-181.
- Henly, J.R., Lein, L., Romich, J., Shanks, T., Sherraden, M., Tillotson, A., & Jones, R. (2018). Grand Challenge # 10: Reduce extreme economic inequality. Chapter 11 in Rowena Fong, James Lubben, & Richard P. Barth, (Eds.) Grand Challenges for Social Work and Society. Oxford University Press.
- Reza, H. & Henly, J.R. (2018). Health crises, social support, and caregiving practices among street children in Bangladesh. Children and Youth Services Review, 88: 229-240.
Crown Scholar Page
Assistant Professor. M.S.W., Loyola University Chicago; M.S.W., Erikson Institute; Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago. Fields of Special Interest: immigration trauma; early childhood/adult mental health; and culturally sensitive clinical practice for refugee and immigrant populations
Selected publications:
- Hilado, A., Chu, A., & Magrisso, A. (2021). Practice with refugee families with young children (Chapter 9). In J. Eatton & J. Hwang (Eds). Refugee Mental Health. Thousand Oaks, CA: American Psychological Association.
- Hilado, A., Recnicek, E., & Allweiss, S. (2021). Primer on the refugee experience (Chapter 2). In J. Eatton & J. Hwang (Eds). Refugee Mental Health. Thousand Oaks, CA: American Psychological Association.
- Ford-Paz, R. E., Santiago, C. D., Coyne, C. A., Rivera, C., Guo, S., Rusch, D., St. Jean, N., Hilado, A., & Cicchetti, C. (2020). You're not alone: A public health response to immigrant/refugee distress in the current sociopolitical context. Psychological Services, 17(S1), 128–138. https://doi.org/10.1037/ser0000381
- Ford-Paz, R.E., DeCarlo Santiago, C., Coyne, Rivera, C., Guo, S., Rusch, D., St. Jean, N., Hilado, A., & Cicchetti, C. (2019). You're Not Alone: A public health response to immigrant/refugee distress in the current sociopolitical context. American Psychological Association.
Crown Scholar Page
Senior Lecturer. B.A., in Psychology, Olivet Nazarene; Psy.D., Illinois School of Professional Psychology. Fields of Special Interest: psychology; substance abuse.
Selected publications:
- Holmes, E.P. (2014). Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. A seminar for staff at Timberline Knolls.
- Holmes, E.P. & Wickstrom, J. (2014). Introduction to the Four Skills Areas of Dialectical Behavior Therapy. A one-day workshop presented a Oakton College offered through the Continuing Education Program.
- Holmes, E.P., (2013). Dialectical Behavior Therapy: An Introduction. A five-day Summer Institute presented at the University of Chicago, School of Social Services Administration, Professional Development Program.
- Holmes, E.P., (2013). Mindfulness. A one-day workshop presented at McDonald’s Hamburger University as part of the University of Chicago, School of Social Services Administration, Professional Development Program.
- Holmes, E.P., (2013). Mindfulness. A one-day workshop presented at the University of Chicago, School of Social Services Administration, Professional Development Program.
- Holmes, E.P., (2012). A Contextual Behavior Approach to Emotion. A one-day workshop presented at the University of Chicago, School of Social Services Administration, Professional Development Program.
- Holmes, E.P., (2012). Dialectical Behavior Therapy: An Introduction. A five-day Summer Institute presented at the University of Chicago, School of Social Services Administration, Professional Development Program.
- Holmes, E.P., (2012). Dialectical Behavior Therapy: An Introduction. A five-day workshop for staff at Iroquois County Mental Health Center.
- Holmes, E.P., (2012). Dialectical Behavior Therapy: An Introduction. A five-day workshop for staff at the Kenneth Young Center.
- Holmes, E.P., (2012). Mindfulness. A one-day workshop presented at the University of Chicago, School of Social Services Administration, Professional Development Program.
Crown Scholar Page
Associate Professor. B.S. and M.Sc. in Psychology, Baku State University; M.S.W, Ph.D., Columbia University. Fields of Special Interest: child and adolescent mental health in the global context; youth risk behaviors; family-based interventions; women's empowerment and health; child welfare and protection; prevention.
Selected publications:
- Beard L., Ismayilova L., Claypool E., Heidorn E., Guliyeva N. (2022). From child institutions to family reunification: challenges and opportunities in building family-centred care. The Lancet Global Health, 10(1), S31.
- Karimli L., Lecoutere. E., Wells C.R., Ismayilova L. (2021). More assets, more decision-making power? Mediation model in a cluster-randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of the graduation program on women's empowerment in Burkina Faso. World Development, 137: 105-159.
- Claypool E., Ismayilova L. (2019). A Gender-Focused Analysis of Structural and Social Precipitators to Child Institutionalization in Azerbaijan: A Qualitative Study. Social Science & Medicine, 232: 262-269.
- Ismayilova L., Terlikbayeva A., Rozental Y. (2019). Computerized Intervention to Prevent Drug Use among At-Risk Adolescents in Central Asia: Preliminary Family-Level Findings from a Pilot Mixed Methods Trial. International Journal of Drug Policy, 68:75-85.
- Ismayilova L., Karimli L. (2018). Harsh parenting and child violence among ultra-poor families: A cluster-randomized trial in Francophone West Africa. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/15374416.2018.1485103.
- Ismayilova L., Karimli L., Gaveras E., Sanson J., Chaffin J., Tô A. (2018). An integrated approach to increasing women’s status and reducing family violence in a West African country: Results of a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Psychology of Violence, 8(4):448-459. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/vio0000136.
- Ismayilova L., Karimli L., Sanson J., Gaveras E., Nanema R., Tô A., Chaffin J. (2018). Improving mental health among ultra-poor children: Two-year outcomes of an open-label, cluster-randomized controlled trial in Burkina Faso. Social Science & Medicine, 208:180-189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.04.022.
- Ismayilova L., Terlikbayeva A. (2018). Building Competencies to Prevent Youth Substance Use in Kazakhstan: Mixed Methods Findings from a Pilot Family-Focused Multimedia Trial. Journal of Adolescent Health. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2018.04.005.
- Karimli L., Rost L., Ismayilova L. (2018). Integrating economic strengthening and family coaching to reduce work-related health hazards among children of poor households: Burkina Faso. Journal of Adolescent Health, Special Issue, Global Perspectives on Economic Strengthening, 62(1):S6–S14 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2017.07.007.
Crown Scholar Page
Professor and Vice Provost. B.A., Mercer; M.S.W., Michigan; Ph.D., Chicago. Fields of Special Interest: male roles and involvement in African American families; non-resident fathers in fragile families; the physical and psychosocial health statuses of African American males.
Selected publications:
- Adams, R. and Johnson, W. (2021). Faith as mechanism for health promotion among rural African American prostate cancer survivors: A qualitative examination, Invited manuscript for Special Issue: Stress, Faith, Resiliency, and Health among Black Men. International Journal of Environmental Health and Public Health.
- Johnson, W.E. & Briggs, H.E. (2021). Interventions with fathers: Effective social work practice for enhancing individual and family well-being. Research on Social Work Practice, 31(8), 791-796.
- Johnson, W., Dorsey, M., Rich, L., and Brooks, L. (2020). Remain Calm, Negotiate or Defer but by All Means, Call Me: Father-Son Communication to Keep Sons Safe from Violence Involvement and Victimization. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 71, November-December 2020
- Johnson, W. (2019). Urban men’s health: How the urban environment affects Black men’s health, pp. 141-179. In D. Griffith, M. Bruce and R. Thorpe (Eds.) Men’s Health Equity: A Handbook. New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
- Lemmons, B. and Johnson, W. (2019). Game changers: A critical race theory analysis of the economic, social and political factors impacting Black fatherhood and family formation. Social Work in Public Health, DOI: 10.1080/19371918.2018.1562406
- McLeod, B., Johnson, W., Cryer-Coupet, Q., and Mincy, R. (2019). Examining the longitudinal effects of paternal incarceration and co-parenting on son’s educational outcomes: A meditational analysis. Children and Youth Services Review, 100 ©, 362-375. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0190740918308697?
Crown Scholar Page
Professor. M.S.W., Ph.D., Michigan. Fields of Special Interest: hourly jobs and low-wage workers; workplace flexibility; work and family issues; social policy and the labor market; organizational theory and development.
Selected publications:
- Chung, Heejung, Jaga, Ameeta, & Lambert, Susan. (2022). Possibilities for change and new frontiers: Introduction to the Work and Family Researchers Network special issue on advancing equality at work and home. Community Work, & Family, 25(1):1-12.
- Kesavan, Saravanan, Lambert, Susan J., Williams, Joan C., & Pendem, Pradeep K. (2022). Doing well by doing good: Improving retail store performance with responsible scheduling practices at the Gap, Inc. Management Science.
- Williams, Joan, Lambert, Susan, Kesavan, Saravanan, Korn, Rachel, Fugiel, Peter, carrion, Erin Devorah, Bellisle, Dylan, Jarpe, Meghan, and McCorkell, Lisa. (2022). Stable scheduling study: Health outcomes report. SSRN. https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4019693
- Henly, Julia R., Lambert, Susan J., & Dresser, Laura J. (2021). The new realities of working-class jobs since the Great Recession: Employer practices, worker protections, and employee voice to improve job quality. In edited volume: What has happened to the American Working Class since the Great Recession? (2009-2019). ANNALS of The American Academy of Political and Social Science, 695(1): 208-224.
- Lambert, Susan J. & Haley, Anna. (2021). Implementing new work hour regulations in the service sector: Compliance and enforcement challenges. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 74(5): 1231-1257.
- Lambert, Susan J. & Haley, A. (2021). Implementing work scheduling regulation: Compliance and enforcement challenges at the local level. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 74(5): 1231-1257.
- Kim, Jaeseung, Henly, Julia R., Golden, Lonnie & Lambert, Susan J. (2020). Workplace flexibility and worker wellbeing by gender and parenting young children. J. of Marriage and Family, 82(3):892-910.
- Fugiel, P.J. & Lambert, Susan J. (2019). On-demand and on-call work in the United States. In M. O’Sullivan, J. Lavelle, J. McMahon, L. Ryan, C. Murphy, T. Turner & P. Gunnigle (eds.), Zero Hours and On-Call Work in Anglo-Saxon Countries. Chapter 6, pp. 111-135. Springer Publishing.
- Lambert, Susan J., Henly, Julia R. & Kim, Jaeseung. (2019). Precarious work schedules as a source of economic insecurity and institutional distrust. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 5(4): 218-257.
- Lambert, Susan J., Henly, JuliaR., Schoeny, Michael, and Jarpe, Meghan (2019). Increasing schedule predictability in hourly jobs: Results from a randomized experiment in a US retail firm. Work & Occupations, 46(2): 176-226.
- McCrate, Elaine, Lambert, Susan J., & Henly, Julia R. (2019). Work schedule instability and underemployment among hourly workers in Canada. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 43(5): 1287-1314.
Crown Scholar Page
Assistant Professor. B.A., Peking University, China; Ph.D., Chicago. Fields of Special Interest: disability studies; mental health; international social work.
Selected publications:
- Peng M, Ma Z, Chen S-Y, Luo W, Hu S-H, Yang X, Liu B, Chan C L-W, Ran M-S (2022). "Predictors of Family Caregiving Burden of Persons with Schizophrenia With and Without Transition of Primary Caregivers From 1994 to 2015 in Rural China." BJPsych Open. 8:1-7. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2022.45
- Peng M, Ma Z, Ran M-S (2022). "Family Caregiving and Chronic Illness Management in Schizophrenia: Positive and Negative Aspects of Caregiving." BMC Psychology. 10(83).
- Ma Z (2021). “Affect, Sociality, and the Construction of Paternalistic Citizenship among Family Caregivers in China.” HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory. 11(3): 958-71. https://doi.org/10.1086/717516.
- Peng M, Ma Z, Luo W, Hu S-H, Yang X, Liu B, Zhang T, Chan C L-W, Ran M-S (2021). “Longitudinal Impact of Caregiver Transition and Family Caregiving on Psychiatric Symptoms and Psychosocial Functioning among Persons with Schizophrenia in Rural China.” Family Process. 00:1-18. https://doi.org/10.1111/famp.12743.
- Ma Z, & Ni Z (2020). “Hero with Zeros?: Tensions of Using an Anti-Discrimination Framework and an Impact Case Approach for Disability Rights Advocacy in China.” Disability Studies Quarterly. 40(4). http://doi.org/10.18061/dsq.v40i4.7039
- Ma Z (2020). “Promises and Perils of Guan: Mental Health Care and the Rise of Biopolitical Paternalism in Post-Socialist China.” Medicine Anthropology Theory. 70(2): 150-74. https://doi.org/10.17157/mat.7.2.747.
- Ma Z (2020). “Biopolitical Paternalism and Its Maternal Supplements: Kinship Correlates of Community Mental Health Governance in China.” Cultural Anthropology. 35(2):290-316.
- Ma Z (2020). “Numbers and the Assembling of a Community Mental Health Infrastructure in Post-socialist China.” In Greenhalgh S and Zhang L (eds.), Can Science and Technology Save China? Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. pp. 25-49.
Crown Scholar Page
George Herbert Jones Distinguished Service Professor. B.A., Michigan State; M.S.W., Ph.D., Michigan. Fields of Special Interest: services for women and families; service integration in service delivery; social program and policy evaluation; knowledge utilization in practice and program decision-making.
Selected publications:
- Alibrahim, A., Marsh, J.C., Amaro, H., Kong, Y., Khachikian, T., & Guerrero, E., (2022). Disparities in expected driving time to opioid treatment and treatment completion: findings from an exploratory study. BMC Health Services Research, 22(478). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-022-07886-7
- Guerrero, E.G., Amaro, H., Khachikian, T., Zahir, M., March, J.C. (2022). A bifurcated opioid treatment system and widening insidious disparities. Addictive Behaviors, 130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2022.107296
- Khachikian, T., Amaro, H., Guerreo, E., Kong, Y., March, J.C. (2022). Disparities in opioid treatment access and retention among women based on pregnancy status from 2006 to 2017. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, 2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dadr.2022.100030
- Shin, H-C. & Marsh, J.C. (2022). Identifying relative strength of methadone versus health and social services in comprehensive substance use disorder treatment using a variance decomposition approach. Evaluation and Program Planning, 92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2022.102060
- Bunn, M., Marsh, J., Haidar, A. (2021). Sharing stories eases pain: Core relational processes of a group intervention with Syrian refugees in Jordan. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 47(2), 110-132. https://doi.org/10.1080/01933922.2021.2000084
- Guerrero, E. Amaro, H., Kong, Y. Khachikian, T., & Marsh, J.C. (2021). Gender disparities in opioid treatment progress in methadone versus counseling. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 16:52. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13011-021-00389-4
- Marsh, J.C. (2021). Book Review: New York Newsboys: Charles Loring Brace and the Founding of the Children's Aid Society. Qualitative Social Work, 21(1), 221-224. https://doi.org/10.1177/14733250211069425
- Marsh, J.C., Amaro, H., Kong, Y., Khachikian, T., &b Guerrero, E. (2021). Gender disparities in access and retention in outpatient methadone treatment for opioid use disorder in low-income urban communities. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 127.
- Herrenkohl, T.I., Wooten, N.R., Fedina, L., Bellamy, J.L., Bunger, A.C., Chen, D-G, Jenson, J.M. Lee, B.R., Lee, J.O., Marsh, J.C., Solomon, P., & Williford, A. (2020). Editorial: Advancing our commitment to antiracist scholarship. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 11:3. https://doi:10.1086/711561
- Lin, Y-A., Hedeker, D., Ryan, J. & Marsh, J.C. (2020). Longitudinal Analysis of Need-Service Matching for Substance-Involved Parents in the Child Welfare System. Children and Youth Services Review.
- Bunn, M. & Marsh, J.C. (2019). Client-provider relationship as an active ingredient promoting client change. In Shaping a Science of Social Work: Professional Knowledge and Identity, J. Brekke & J. Anastas (Eds). New York: Oxford University Press
- Fong, R., Gehlert, S., Marsh, J.C., Uehara, E.S., Williams, J.H., (2019). Reflections on history of the Society for Social Work and Research. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 10(2).
- Marsh, J.C.; Brown, K. (2019). Center for Health Administration Studies (CHAS) at the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration: A health policy and services research center in a graduate school of social work. Research on Social Work Practice, 1-6.
Crown Family School
Professor. A.B., Columbia; A.M., Ph.D., Chicago. Fields of Special Interest: urban governance, with a focus on the diverse intersections between non-profit organizations, government bureaucracies, and politics.
Selected publications:
Koschinsky, Julia, Nicole P. Marwell and Raed Mansour. 2022. “Does Health Service Funding Go Where the Need Is? A Prototype Spatial Access Analysis for New Urban Contracts Data.” BMC Health Services Research 22(45):1-12. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-07370-8
- Marwell, Nicole P., Erez Aharon Marantz, and Delia Baldassarri. 2020. "The Microrelations of Urban Governance: Dynamics of Patronage and Partnership." American Journal of Sociology 125: 1559-1601
- Marwell, Nicole P. and Shannon L. Morrissey. 2020. "Organizations and the Governance of Urban Poverty." Annual Review of Sociology 46, 1.
- Marwell, Nicole P. and Maoz Brown. 2020. "Towards a Governance Framework for Government-Nonprofit Relations." Pp. 231-250 in The Nonprofit Sector Research Handbook (3rd edition), eds. Walter W. Powell and Patricia Bromley. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.
- Mosley, Jennifer E., Marwell, Nicole P., and Ybarra, Marci. 2019. "How the 'What Works' Movement is Failing Human Service Organizations, and What Social Work Can Do to Fix It." Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership and Governance.
Crown Scholar Page
David and Mary Winton Green Professor. B.A., Trinity, San Antonio; M.S.W., Oklahoma; Ph.D., Maryland. Fields of Special Interest: mental health services; child welfare clients; older youth leaving the foster care system.
Selected publications:
- Cho, E., Tugendrajch, S.K., McMillen, J.C., Proctor, E.K., & Hawley, K.M. (2022). Implementation of evidence-based practices within treatment-as-usual and evidence-based practice initiatives. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 1-28.
- Marriott, Brigid R., Cho, Evelyn, Tugendrajch, Siena K., Kliethermes, Matthew D., McMillen, J. Curtis, Proctor, Enola K., & Hawley, Kristin M. (2021). Role-play assessment of therapist adherence and skill in implementation of trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 49: 374-384.
- McMillen, J.Curtis and Israel, Nathaniel. (2021). Four frames for choosing performance metrics for child and family service programs: Strategic planning, decision points, logic modeling, and implementation science. Families in Society.
- Israel, Nathaniel, McMillen, J.Curtis and Adams, Danielle. (2019). Development of Quality Management Capacity in Child-Serving Nonprofit Agencies. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 47(1): 94-106
Crown Scholar Page
Associate Professor. B.A., Chicago State; A.M., Chicago; Ph.D., Loyola Chicago. Fields of Special Interest: crime, crime policy, and criminal justice; poverty and income; race, ethnicity, and culture; welfare.
Selected publications:
- Miller, R.J. (2022). The afterlife of mass incarceration, or what does it mean to need a "brute" in the twenty-first century? Social Service Review, 96(2), 163-168.
- Miller, R. 2021. Halfway Home: Race, Punishment, and the Afterlife of Mass Incarceration. United States: Little Brown, 2021.
- Himle, J.A., Weaver, A., Levine, D.S., Steinberger, E., Bybee, D, Vanka, S., Miller, R., Laviolette, W.T., & Nicoll, K.L. (2020). Social anxiety and work: A qualitative investigation in a low-income, minority sample. Social Work in Mental Health, 18(3), 302-330.
- Miller, R. 2020. “Racism in the Machine: A Review of Race After Technology by Ruha Benjamin.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity https://DOI: 10.1177/2332649220942521
- Miller, R. 2020. "Book review: Nikki Jones, The Chosen Ones: Black Men and the Politics of Redemption." (2020): 412-414.
- Miller, R. 2019. All Leviathan’s Children: Race, Punishment and the (Re)Making of the City. In Class, Ethnicity and State in the Polarized Metropolis, pp. 215-229. Palgrave Macmillan.
Crown Scholar Page
Senior Lecturer. B.A., Davidson; M.S.W., Smith, Ph.D., California Institute of Integral Studies. Fields of Special Interest: intergenerational care-taking in public housing; community activism; psychological empowerment.
Selected publications:
- Moore, L. L. (2018). Racism, black bodies, and psychodynamic theory, In Medlock, M. (Ed)., Race and Psychiatry: Contemporary Issues and Interventions. Springer Pub., NY, NY.
- Moore, L. L. (2018). Gullah-Geechee Families and Cultural Survival. Journal of Contemporary Rural Social Work.
- Moore, L. L. (2017). A Simple Breeding Ground for White Supremacy. In Star Tribune, 8/18/2017.
- Moore, L. L. (2015). Playground politics, In Hufnagel, G. (Ed.), Women and Reproduction, Across the Lifespan: Autoethnographic Accounts. Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY.
- Moore, L. L. (2015). Social Work and Race. In Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationality, Stone, J. (Ed). West Sussex, England.
Crown Scholar Page
Associate Professor. B.A., Reed; M.S.W., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles. Fields of Special Interest: non-profit and human service organizations; policy advocacy and lobbying; government-non-profit relations; civic engagement; policy formulation and implementation; philanthropy.
Selected publications:
- Lam, M., Katz, H. & Mosley, J. 2022. "Los Angeles and the State of the Nonprofit Sector: A Review of Findings and Examination of Three Theses." (pp. 431-445) In M. Hoelscher, R.A. List, A. Ruser, S. Toepler (Eds.), Civil Society: Concepts, Challenges, Contexts. Nonprofit and Civil Society Studies. Springer, Cham.
- Mosley, Jennifer E. and Park, Sunggeun Ethan. 2022. “Service Providers’ Influence in Collaborative Governance Networks: Effectiveness in Reducing Chronic Homelessness.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
- Mosley, J.E., Suárez, D.F., & Hwang, H. 2022. "Conceptualizing Organizational Advocacy Across the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector: Goals, Tactics, and Motivation." Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. doi:10.1177/08997640221103247
- Mosley, Jennifer E. and Wong, Jade. 2021. “Decision-Making in Collaborative Governance Networks: Distinguishing Between Input and Throughput Legitimacy.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 31(2): 328-345.
- Mosley, Jennifer E. 2021. “Cross-sector Collaboration to Improve Homeless Services: Addressing Capacity, Innovation, and Equity Challenges.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 693.
- Mosley, Jennifer E. 2020. “Social Service Nonprofits: Navigating Conflicting Demands.” Pp 251-270 in The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook (3rd ed). W.W. Powell and P. Bromley, Editors. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press.
- Mosley, Jennifer E., Tadeo Weiner-Davis, and Theresa Anasti. 2020. “Advocacy and Lobbying.” Pp 335-348 in Routledge Companion to Nonprofit Management. Stefan Toepler & Helmut K. Anheier, Editors. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
- Park, S.E., Grogan, C.M., Mosley, J.E., Humphreys, K., Pollack, H.A., and Friedman, P.D. 2020. “Correlates of Patient-Centered Care Practices at Substance Use Disorder Clinics in the United States.” Psychiatric Services 71(1): 35-42.
- Park, S.E., Mosley, J.E., Grogan, C.M., Pollack, H.A., Humphreys, K., D’Aunno, T, and Friedman, P.D. 2020. “Patient-centered Care’s Relationship With Substance Use Disorder Treatment Utilization.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 118: 108-125.
- Jarpe, Meghan, Jennifer E. Mosley, and Bikki Tran Smith. 2019. “Understanding the Collaborative Planning Process in Homeless Services: Networking, Advocacy, and Local Government Support May Reduce Service Gaps.” Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 25(3): 262-269.
- McBeath, Bowen, Jennifer E. Mosley, Karen Hopkins, Erick Guerrero, Michael J. Austin, and John E. Tropman. 2019. “Building Knowledge to Support Human Service Organizational and Management Practice: An Agenda for Addressing the Research-to-Practice Gap.” Social Work Research, 43(2): 115-128.
- Mosley, Jennifer E. and Jarpe, Meghan. 2019. “How Structural Variations in Collaborative Governance Networks Influence Advocacy Involvement and Outcomes.” Public Administration Review, 79(5): 629-640.
- Mosley, Jennifer E., Marwell, Nicole P., and Ybarra, Marci. 2019. “How the “What Works” Movement is Failing Human Service Organizations, and What Social Work Can Do To Fix It.” Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership, Governance, 43(4): 326-335.
- Mosley, Jennifer E., Park, S. Ethan, Suo, Deng, and Sahkrani, Monica. 2019. “Changing Roles and Relationships between NGOs and the State in Shaping and Responding to Social Exclusion.” In R.J. Chaskin, B.J. Lee, & S. Jaswal (Eds.), Social Exclusion in Cross-National Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Mosley, Jennifer E. and Smith, Steven Rathgeb 2019. Human Service Organizations and the Question of Impact. Abingdon UK: Routledge.
- Vyas, M., Mosley, J.E., Grogan, C.M., Chaskin, R.J., Long, H., Kim, H.Y. 2019. “Democratic Engagement and Mobilization: The Rise of Grassroots Movements.” In R.J. Chaskin, B.J. Lee, & S. Jaswal (Eds.), Social Exclusion in Cross-National Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press.
Crown Scholar Page
Associate Instructional Professor. Fields of Special Interest: Complex, developmental trauma experiences in youth and adulthood; Cross-cultural and global social work models; sexual and relational violence, community violence; issues related to parenting and parent needs; insight-oriented and relational clinical supervision and mentoring.
Selected publications:
- Keels, M., Dinizulu, S., Parikh, S., & Jointer, T. (2021). Preparing schools to meet the needs of students coping with trauma and toxic stress (Issue Brief No. 17). Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University, EdResearch for Recovery Project.
Martinez, A., Estrada, D., & Parikh, S. (Interviewees) (2020, November 2). Doin’ The Work: Frontline Stories of Social Change. Healing Trauma Through Community Building in Little Village [Audio Podcast].
Parikh, S. S. (Interviewee) (2018, October 22). “The Radical Therapist: Adultism, Anti-Adultism, and Activist Parenting [Audio Podcast].
Crown Scholar Page
Helen Ross Professor. B.S.E., Princeton; M.P.P., Ph.D., Harvard. Fields of Special Interest: substance abuse policy; health policy; crime prevention; intellectual disability.
Selected publications:
- Balawajder, E.F., Taylor, B.G., Lamuda, P.A., MacLean, K., Pollack, H.A., & Schneider, J.A. (2022) Predictors of mental health among the general population of U.S. adults eight months into the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology, 13(3), 427-442. https://doi.org/10.4236/psych.2022.133029
- Gu, M., Taylor, B., Pollack, H.A., Schneider, J.A., & Zaller, N. (2022). A pilot study on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among healthcare workers in the US. PLoS ONE, 17(6). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0269320
- Hotton, A., Ozik, J., Kaligotla, C., Collier, N., Stevens, A., Khanna, A.S., MacDonell, M.M., Wang, C., LePoire, D.J., Chang, Y-S., Martinez-Moyano, I.J., Mucenic, B., Pollack, H.A., Schneider, J.A., & Macal, C. (2022). Impact of changes in protective behaviors and out-of-household activities by age on COVID-19 transmission and hospitalization in Chicago, Illinois. Annals of Epidemiology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annepidem.2022.06.005
- Jiao, S., Konetzka, R.T., Pollack. H.A., & Huang, E.S. (2022). Estimating the impact of Medicaid expansion and federal funding cuts on FQHC staffing and patient capacity. The Milbank Quarterly, 100(2), 504-524. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-0009.12560
- Johnston, K.J., Wen, H., & Pollack, H. (2022). Comparison of ambulatory care access and quality for beneficiaries with disabilities covered by Medicare advantage vs traditional Medicare insurance. JAMA Health Forum, 3(1). doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2021.4562
- Lin, Q., Kolak, M., Watts, B., Anselin, L. Pollack, H., Schneider, J. & Taylor, B. (2022). Individual, interpersonal, and neighborhood measures associated with opioid use stigma: Evidence from a nationally representative survey. Social Science & Medicine, 305. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.115034
- Murray, C.H., Contreras, J.L., Kelly, C.H., Padgett, D.K., & Pollack, H.A. (2022). Behavioral crisis and first response: Qualitative interviews with Chicago stakeholders. Community Mental Health Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10597-022-00990-2
- Pyra, M., Taylor, B. Flanagan, E., Hotton, A., Lamuda, P., Schneider, J., & Pollack, H.A. (2022). Support for evidence-informed opioid policies and interventions: The role of racial attitudes, political affiliation, and opioid stigma. Preventative Medicine, 158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2022.107034
- Frank, R.G., Humphreys, K., & Pollack, H. (2021). Our other epidemic: Addiction. JAMA Health Forum, 2(3). doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2021.0273
- Frank, R.G., Humphreys, K., & Pollack, H. A. (2021). Policy responses to the addiction crisis. Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law, 46(4), 585-597. https://doi.org/10.1215/03616878-8970796
- Johnston, K.J., Wen, H., Joynt Maddox, K.E., & Pollack, H. (2021). Ambulatory care access and emergency department use for Medicare beneficiaries with and without disabilities. Health Affairs, 40(6), 910-919. https://doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2020.01891
- Pho, M., Erzouki, F., Boodram, B., Jimenez, A. D., Pineros, J., Shuman, V., Claypool, E. J., Bouris, A., Gastala, N., Reichert, J., Kelly, M., Salisbury-Afshar, E., Epperson, M., Gibbons, R., Schneider, J. A., Pollack, H. A. (2021). Reducing opioid mortality in Illinois (ROMI): A case management/peer recovery coaching critical time intervention clinical trial protocol. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 128. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsat.2021.108348
- Sadler, T., Yan, K., Brauner, D., Pollack, H., & Konetzka, R.T. (2021). Caregiving during Covid-19: A multi-state qualitative study of family caregiver experiences and decision making. Innovation in Aging, 5(S1), 438. https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igab046.1703
- Sadler, T., Yan, K., Brauner, D., Pollack, H., & Konetzka, R.T. (2021). Caregiving during Covid-19: A multi-state qualitative study of family caregiver experiences and decision making. Health Services Research, 56, 14-15. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-6773.13732
- Sadler, T., Yan, K., Brauner, D., Pollack, H., & Konetzka, R.T. (2021). State Medicaid policy and LTC: A multi-state qualitative study of policy influence on caregiver experiences. Innovation in Aging, 5(S1), 104.
- Schneider, J.A., Taylor, B.G., Hotton, A.L., Lamuda, P.A., Ozik, J., Lin, Q. Flanagan, E., Pho, M.T., Kolak, M., Brewer, R., Pagkas-Bather, J., & Pollack, H.A. (2021). National variability in American's COVID-19 protective behaviors: Implications for vaccine roll-out. PLoS ONE, 16(11). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0259257
- Taylor, B.G., Lamuda, P.A., Flanagan, E., Watts, E., Pollack, H., & Schneider. J. (2021). Social stigma toward persons with opioid use disorder: Results from a nationally representative survey of U.S. adults. Substance Use & Misuse, 56(12), 1752-1764. https://doi.org/10.1080/10826084.2021.1949611
- White, K., Cook, P.J., & Pollack, H. (2021). Gunshot-victim cooperation with police investigations: Results from the Chicago inate survey. Preventative Medicine, 143. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2020.106381
- Ballreich, J., Mansour, O., Hu, E., Chingcuanco, F., Pollack, H.A., Dowdy, D.W., & Alexander, G.C. (2020). Modeling mitigation strategies to reduce opioid-related morbidity and mortality in the US. JAMA Network Open, 3(11). doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.23677
- Grogan, C., Bersamira, C.S., Singer, P.M., Smith, B.T., Pollack, H.A., Andrews, C.M., & Abraham, A.J. (2020). Are policy strategies for addressing the opioid epidemic partisan? A view from the states. Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law, 45(2), 277-309. https://doi.org/10.1215/03616878-8004886
- Humphreys, K., Pollack, H.A. (2020). How should the United States respond to the opioid addiction and overdose epidemic?. In H. Goldman, R. Frank, & J. Morrissey (Eds.) The palgrave handbook of American mental health policy (pp. 259–295). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11908-9_10
- Park, S., Grogan, C.M., Mosley, J.E., Humphreys, K., Pollack, H.E., & Friedmann P.D., (2020). Correlates of patient-centered care practices at U.S. substance use disorder clinics. Psychiatric Services, 71(1), 35-42. https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ps.201900121
- Pollack, H.A. (2020). Disaster preparedness and social justice in a public health emergency. Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law, 45(6), 907-920. https://doi.org/10.1215/03616878-8641457
- Pollack, H.A. & Bagenstos, S.R. (2020). The hidden disability consensus in the 2020 campaign. JAMA Health Forum, 1(2). doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2020.0152
- Pollack, H.A. & Humphreys, K. (2020). Reducing violent incidents between police officers and people with psychiatric or substance use disorders. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 687, 166-184. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0002716219897057
- Sadler, T. & Pollack, H. (2020). Engaging people in behavioral crisis. In M. Siegler & S. Rogers Jr. (Eds.) Violence, trauma, and trauma surgery (pp. 51-65). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-31246-6_4
- Schneider, J.A. & Pollack, H.A. (2020). Flipping the script for coronavirus disease 2019 contact tracing. JAMA Health Forum, 1(9). doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2020.1129
- Skaathun, B., Pho, M.T., Pollack, H.A., Friedman, S.R., McNulty, M.C., Friedman, E.E., Schmitt, J., Pitrak, D., & Schneider, J.A. (2020). Comparison of effectiveness and cost for different HIV screening strategies implemented at large urban medical centre in the United States. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 23(10). https://doi.org/10.1002/jia2.25554
Crown Scholar Page
Assistant Professor. B.A., University of North Carolina, Asheville; M.A., University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Ph.D., Michigan. Fields of Special Interest: education; race, ethnicity, and culture; urban.
Selected publications:
- Robinson, S. R. (2016). Just do good work. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2016/09/29/simple-advice-getting-job-academe-essay
- Lee, V. E., Robinson, S. R., & Sebastian, J. (2012). The quality of instruction in urban high schools: Comparing mathematics and science to English and social studies classes in Chicago. The High School Journal, 95(3), 14-48.
- Robinson, S. R. (2010). Book review: The seduction of common sense: How the right has framed the debate on America's schools. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 20(4), 375-382.
Crown Scholar Page
Hermon Dunlap Smith Professor. A.B., Bowdoin; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard. Fields of Special Interest: education policy; urban high schools; adolescence; youth policy; human resources policy; empirical analysis.
Selected publications:
- Roderick, Melissa, Vanessa Coca, Eliza Moeller, and Thomas Kelley-Kemple. 2013. From high school to the future: The challenge of senior year in Chicago Public Schools. Chicago: The University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research.
- Coca, Vanessa, David W. Johnson, Thomas Kelley-Kemple, Melissa Roderick, Eliza Moeller, Nicole Williams, and Kafi Moragne. 2012. Working to my potential: The postsecondary experiences of CPS students in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Chicago: The University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research.
- Farrington, Camille A., Melissa Roderick, Elaine Allensworth, Jenny Nagaoka, Tasha S. Keyes, David W. Johnson, and Nicole O. Beechum. 2012. Teaching adolescents to become learners: The role of noncognitive factors in shaping school performance. Chicago: The University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research.
- Roderick, Melissa. 2012. "Drowning in data but thirsty for analysis." Teachers College Record 114(11): 110309.
Crown Scholar Page
Associate Professor. B.S., Wisconsin-Oshkosh; M.S.S.W., Ph.D., Wisconsin-Madison. Fields of Special Interest: use of interpretive research methods to inform child welfare practice; multiracial and multiethnic identity; transracial adoption; kinship and identity formation among foster youth.
Selected publications:
- Yasui, M., Choi, Y., Chin, M., Samuels, G. M., Kim, K. E., and Victorson, D. (2021). Culturally attuned engagement: A qualitative analysis of mental health providers serving Chinese, Vietnamese, and Cambodian immigrant populations. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work.
- Jackson, K., ^Snyder, C., Mitchell, F., and Samuels, G. M. (2020). The salience of ethnic minority grandparents in the identity development of multiracial persons. Identity, 20(2), 73-90.
- Klodnick, V., & Samuels, G. M. (2020). Building home on a cliff: Aging out of semi-institutional foster care with a serious mental health diagnosis. Child and Family Social Work, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1111/cfs.12747
- Wesley, B., Pryce, J. M., and Samuels, G. M. (2019). Meaning and essence of child well-being according to child welfare professionals. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 37, 425-441.
- Curry, S. R., Samuels, G. M., Cerven, C., and Dworsky, A. (2019). Navigating Housing Instability and Substance Use: Hidden Tensions Facing Youth in Small Town America. Journal of Social Service Research. (online first). Doi: 10.1080/01488376.2019.1575322.
Crown Scholar Page
Assistant Instructional Professor. B.S., M.S., Iowa State; Ph.D., Loyola University. Fields of Special Interest: Gender identities and experiences; LGBT+ Sexuality; Race and racism; Higher Education/Student Development; Identity Development; Inclusion and Equity; Assessment and Evaluation; Pedagogy and Curriculum Development; Mentoring and Leadership.
Selected publications:
- Pitcher, E.P. & Simmons, S.L. (2020). Connectivity, community, and kinship as strategies to foster queer and trans college student retention. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory, & Practice, 21:4, 476-496.
- Simmons, S. L. (2019).“‘I am because we are’: Holding a mirror as a trans educator.” Outside the Gender Box: Trans and Non-Binary Gender People in Higher Education. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
- Jourian, T. J. & Simmons, S. L. (2017). Trans* leadership. New Directions for Student Leadership.
- Simmons, S. L. (2017) A thousand words are worth a picture: a snapshot of trans* postsecondary educators in higher education, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 30:3, 266-284.
Crown Scholar Page
Associate Professor. B.A., Oberlin; Ph.D., CUNY. Fields of Special Interest: urban policy and politics; community organization; political processes; social movements; social theory.
Selected publications:
- Sites, William. 2021. "Beyond the 'futureless future': Edward O. Bland, Afro-modernism, and The Cry of Jazz." American Studies 60 (1): 33-57.
- Sites, William. 2020. Sun Ra's Chicago: Afrofuturism and the City. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Vonderlack-Navarro, Rebecca, and William Sites. 2015. "The bi-national road to immigrant rights mobilization: States, social movements, and Chicago’s Mexican hometown associations." Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(1): 141-157.
Crown Scholar Page
Assistant Instructional Professor. Fields of Special Interest: Dialectical Behavior Therapy; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; other contextual treatment approaches; Implementation of Evidence Based Practices across healthcare systems; Clinical supervision and training; Eating disorders; addiction, self-injury, milieu-based approaches.
Selected publications:
- Dennis, K., & Wickstrom, J. (2010). Healing self-inflicted violence in adolescents with eating disorders: A unified treatment approach. Chapter 16, in M. Maine, D. Bunnell, & B. McGilley. (Eds.), Treatment of Eating Disorders: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice.
Crown Scholar Page
Associate Professor. B.A., Sophia University, Tokyo; B.A., Ph.D., Oregon. Fields of Special Interest: cultural influences on development such as ethnic identity development and ethnic-racial socialization; examination of the cultural validity of assessments and interventions for ethnically diverse children and youth; culturally anchored parenting processes and family functioning; intervention and prevention of problem behaviors among youth; treatment of disruptive behaviors of young children; observational methodology.
Selected publications:
- Park, M., Choi, Y., Yasui, M., Hedeker, D., & Specificity, Commonality, and Generalizability in Social‐Emotional Development Special Section Editors. 2021. Racial discrimination and the moderating effects of racial and ethnic socialization on the mental health of Asian American youth. Child Development, 92(6): 2284-2298. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13638
- Castro, Felipe Gonzalez, and Yasui, M.. 2017. “Advances in EBI Development for Diverse Populations: Towards a Science of Intervention Adaptation.” Prevention Science 18(6): 623-629.
- Yasui, M.. 2017. "A Preliminary Examination of the Cultural Dimensions of Mental Health Beliefs and Help Seeking: Perspectives from Chinese American Youths, Adults, and Service Providers," Chapter in Asian American Parenting: Family Processes and Intervention, pp. 193-208.
- Yasui, M., Kathleen J. Pottick, and Yun Chen. 2017. “Conceptualizing culturally infused engagement and its measurement for ethnic minority and immigrant children and families.” Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 20(3): 250-332. DOI:10.1007/s10567-017-0229-2
- Choi, Yoonsun, Kevin Poh Hiong Tan, Yasui, M., and Hyeouk Chris Hahm. 2016. “Advancing understanding of acculturation for adolescents of Asian immigrants: Person-oriented analysis of acculturation strategy among Korean American youth.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence 45(7): 1380-1395. DOI: 10.1007/s10964-016-0496-0
- Liu, C.H., Yasui, M., R. Giallo, E. Tronick, and L. Seidman. 2016. U.S. parents with mental health problems: Parenting experiences and children’s functioning. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 30 (6), 753-760. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnu.2016.07.006
Crown Scholar Page
Assistant Professor. B.S., Northwestern University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Colorado Boulder. Fields of Special Interest: public health; public policy; governance; Latin America.
Selected publications:
- Alakoc, Burcu Pinar, Gulay Ugur Goksel, and Alan Zarychta. 2021. “Political Discourse and Public Attitudes toward Syrian Refugees in Turkey.” Comparative Politics.
- Emmelhainz, Roger, Alan Zarychta, Tara Grillos, and Krister Andersson. 2021. “Linking Knowledge with Action when Engagement is Out of Reach: Three Contextual Features of Effective Public Health Communication.” Health Policy and Planning. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapol/czab105
- Grillos, Tara, Alan Zarychta, Jami Nelson-Nuñez. 2021. “Water Scarcity and Procedural Justice in Honduras: Community-based Management Meets Market-based Policy." World Development. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2021.105451
- Grillos, Tara, Alan Zarychta, and Krister Andersson. 2021. “Governance Reform, Decentralization, and Teamwork in Public Service: Evidence from the Honduran Health Sector. Public Administration. https://doi.org/10.1111/padm.12722
- Molina, Adriana, Tara Grillos, Alan Zarychta, and Krister Andersson. 2021. “Decentralization Can Help Increase Cooperation among Public Officials.” American Journal of Political Science. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajps.12606
- Zarychta, Alan, Tara Grillos, and Krister Andersson. 2021. “Accountability and Effort among Local Health Workers: Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment.” International Public Management Journal.
- Root, Elisabeth Dowling, Alan Zarychta, Bertha Bermudez Tapia, Tara Grillos, Krister Andersson, and Jane Menken. 2020. "Organizations matter in local governance: evidence from health sector decentralization in Honduras." Health Policy and Planning. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapol/czaa084
- Zarychta, Alan. 2020. “Making Health Services Work Better for the Poor: Evidence from a Natural Experiment with Decentralization in Honduras.” World Development. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2020.104996
- Zarychta, Alan, Tara Grillos, and Krister P. Andersson. 2020. “Public Sector Governance Reform and the Motivation of Street-Level Bureaucrats in Developing Countries.” Public Administration Review 80(1): 75–91. https://doi.org/10.1111/puar.13132
- Zarychta, Alan. Krister P. Andersson, Elisabeth D. Root, Jane Menken, and Tara Grillos. 2019. "Assessing the impacts of governance reforms on health services delivery: a quasi-experimental, multi-method, and participatory approach." Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology. pp 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10742-019-00201-8